Peace of mind tech consulting

Transform your project proposals, scoping discussions and project management with the leading proposal software for technology consulting businesses.

Close More Deals

Never miss a deal again. Deliver tailored scoping documents in seconds, and always strike when the iron's hot.

Increase Client Retention

Managed expectations and transparent communication on auto-pilot. Give your team the freedom to focus on delivery that drives revenue.

Optimise for Profit

Transform technical tasks to time estimations and costs. Never sign a net negative piece of work again.

Your business doesn't deserveto bleed

Any time your project goes over budget, over time, or suffers scope creep, you lose money and trust. The scoping process is your protection from bleed.

  • Over 50%
    The percentage of deals that your enterprise-scale scoping team is losing at the final scoping stage. Add 10-30% if you don't have a dedicated team for this function.
  • 50%
    The percentage of your projects that experience scope creep and bleed, from poor expectation management and mis-communication between client and delivery teams.
  • $20,000
    The average scoping process cost for medium-sized projects. This figure can vary from $2,000 for small projects, up to $150,000 for large, multi-year projects.

Friends don't get friends to work to a bad scope. Let's do something different.

News 01

Tell us your objectives

Outline your requirements, user stories or objectives, as a list, in a document or in an Excel sheet.

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Receive your road-map

Receive a tailored Sprint plan using our custom-trained AI software, including timings and estimations.

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Integrate into your workflow

Output via Excel, PDF or Word document. Coming soon: output detailed implementation instructions into your favourite project management software.

We believe in going above and beyond to foster the world's best consulting community

Testimonial 01

When I joined Heavnn as CTO, there was a lot of tech debt to manage and refactor. Scopify AI helped me to plan out and action these changes, turning a multi-month nightmare of refactoring into weeks of carefully managed, clearly communicated sprints of progress.

Testimonial 02

I recently received a mandate for an MVP application build - some of it in my wheel-house, a lot of it not. Scopify AI helped me to understand tasks and assemble my team, as well as produce 3 scopes quickly to secure the contract, despite unknown budgets and moving goal-posts.

Testimonial 03

Scopify AI has been instrumental in helping me to define the service levels of different productized design services that I offer, enabling me to collaborate toe-to-toe with engineering teams when needed, and also give clarity to my clients when establishing budgets and timelines.

From solo agencies to global consultancies, we have you covered

Sign-posting Scope
Top-level guidance for your next scope, written by AI
  • Create your next project scope in seconds
  • Break down your requirements into recommended sprints with GPT-3.5
  • Receive time estimations
Most Popular
Advisory Scope
Detailed analysis for your next scope, with industry-leading AI
  • Everything in Sign-Posting, with GPT-4 Turbo
  • Break down your recommended sprints into actionable tasks
  • Receive estimations and recommendations on both time and cost
  • Explicitly outline in-scope and out-of-scope items
Executive Board Scope
Detailed analysis using multiple leading AI models
  • Everything in Advisory, with GPT-4 Turbo and Claude Opus models
  • Break down your actionable tasks into detailed implementation instructions, including provision of code
  • Process images and designs for greater estimation accuracy
  • Receive 3 different scope sizes to accommodate different client budgets
  • Side-by-side comparisons of estimations and methodology using different leading AI systems, for maximum confidence

Say goodbye to missed contracts, disappointed clients and delivery frustration.

Sign up today to receive your first generated quote in moments, not months.